Tuesday 29 November 2011

Snacks and goodies

will upload photos soon...
As athletes with day jobs, sometimes we have a difficulty trying to squeeze in eating heavy meals 2 hours before our run or workout. So we constantly munch on goodies that are filling and easy to carry.

Here are some of my favorites:

Quaker oats Cookies.

Made from oatmeal that’s rich in fiber, this treat is one of my favorites before a run becaiause its light and filling. Downside for me is its packaging is in 3 separate cookies and they are bulky to carry.

Nature valley trail mix

One of the most easy to carry treats that you can fit in your belt or in the pocket of your shorts. This multi grain bar comes in a variety of flavors but the trail mix is one of my favorites because of the nuts and its sweetness.

Nature Valley Peanut butter

Its peanut butter need I say more?



If you are on a tight budget then this one is for you. Comes in two flavors regular and chocolate, but too sugary for my taste.


I have 3 reasons why this got to be my favorite snack before a long workout or immediately after a race before the protein packed meal. 1 its chocolate, 2 its chocolate and 3 its CHOCOLATE.

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