Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sports Drinks

will upload photos soonn
Getting dehydrated is one of the biggest no no’s if you are racing or training. (insert illness caused by dehydraton).  

Plain old H20

Water is still the best and cheapest drink that would fill your hydration needs. During training I only drink water so that I won’t be dependent on sports drinks come race day. I consume my sports drinks after the workout.

The sports drink that has a variety of flavors to choose from. When I started running this was my preferred drink. Its readily available in supermarkets and convenience stores and the most advertised as well. So without any idea of the other brands out there this was a safe choice for me back then.


When  started to realize that running can be an expensive sport. I looked for ways to cut down on my expenses. I decided to switch to powerade for a time because it’s cheaper than the other brand I was using. But I find it too sweet for my taste.

Pocari Sweat
I first encountered pocari sweat during running event. Back then I thought that it has a unique taste that stands out with the other sports drink out there. But if you consume a lot of it, the flavor sticks to the back of your mouth in my opinion.

100 plus
This drink may need some time getting used to because it is carbonated. I don’t know if it’s only a placebo effect but I feel that after a workout or a race I easily get hydrated when I drink 100 plus. Compared to the other sports drinks that are available in the market this is cheaper by at least P7-P8.

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